Ashley Borden

by Charles Platkin, PhD

Diet Detective: Tell us how you got to where you are now.

Ashley: Hard work, integrity, honesty and drive.

Diet Detective: Define and discuss failure.

Ashley: Failure is always an opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

Diet Detective: Is there anything about yourself that you’ve changed your mind about in the last 20 years?

Ashley: What perfect is supposed to look like.

Diet Detective: Define individual responsibility and how you react to adverse situations.

Ashley: I try to remove my ego from each situation.

Diet Detective: Who inspires you?

Ashley: Oprah Winfrey.

Diet Detective: Was there a defining moment in your life when you made a decision that changed the course of the rest of your life forever?

Ashley: Yes, when I went to a 12 step treatment center in January of 1990.

Diet Detective: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself?

Ashley: To remove my ego from every situation.

Diet Detective: What keeps you going (your motivation)?

Ashley: The amount of people in the world who need help.

Diet Detective: On those days when you’re not motivated to work out, but you know you have to, what’s the one thought that gets you going?

Ashley: My dog William.

Diet Detective: What band gets you psyched for your workout?

Ashley: Right now, I like the group Live.

Diet Detective: If you could eat one forbidden food whenever you wanted without gaining weight, what would it be?

Ashley: Potato chips.

Diet Detective: If there were one healthy food item (something you love) that you had to eat every day, what would it be?

Ashley: Almonds and apples.

Diet Detective: What’s the best book about health that you’ve read?

Ashley: Body for Life.

Diet Detective: If you could only do one strength training exercise what would it be?

Ashley: Pull ups

Diet Detective: What are your two favorite health magazines?

Ashley: Self and Shape.

Diet Detective: How do you take total control of your mind and body to achieve the focus you need during pivotal sports moments?

Ashley: I use my egg timer and do work in 15 minute increments.

Diet Detective: What do you think is the best training location in the world?

Ashley: Punta Mita, Mexico at the Four Seasons.

Diet Detective: Do you have a favorite cooking tip?

Ashley: Use olive oil.

Diet Detective: Do you have a calorie bargain?

Ashley: I replace cheese with hummus and avocado.

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