News You Can Use: Walk and Thin Photos Cuts #Chocolate Eating
Short Walks Cut Chocolate Consumption in Half
Do you need more reasons to get out there and take a walk? How about cutting down on your chocolate consumption — especially in high-stress situations. Researchers at the University of Exeter in the U.K. reported in the journal Appetite that a 15-minute walk can cut snacking on chocolate at work by 50 percent. The study demonstrated that “even in stressful situations, workers eat only half as much chocolate as they normally would after this short burst of physical activity.”
So taking short physical activity breaks helps keep your mind off snacking.
Trying to Stop Chocolate #Cravings? A Photograph May Help
If you’re trying to avoid eating unhealthy foods, picking up a fashion magazine may help. Researchers studied the effect of viewing thin and overweight images of models in chocolate advertisements. They divided 84 women, ages 17 to 63, and assigned a third of the group to view a “thin model,” another third to view “an overweight model” and the last third as a control group to view no photos at all. The results showed that those who viewed the photos of “thin women” were less likely to eat chocolate than either the group who viewed the overweight women or the control group.