Men with #Belly Fat at Risk for #Osteoporosis
Women are not the only ones at risk for decreased #bone strength. “Visceral, or deep belly, obesity is a risk factor for bone loss and decreased bone strength in men,” according to a study by Miriam Bredella, M.D., a radiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School in Boston. The fat that researchers are finding contributes to decreased bone strength is “visceral or intra-abdominal fat, which is located deep under the muscle tissue in the abdominal cavity.” The researchers used “CT scans of the abdomen and thigh to assess fat and muscle mass, as well as very high resolution CT of the forearm and a technique called finite element analysis (FEA), in order to assess bone strength and predict fracture risk.” To reduce risk of osteoporosis, increase muscle mass by exercising, strength training regularly (at least three times per week) and eating a healthy diet (mostly fruits and vegetables).