Diet Detective’s 2012 News You Can Use: When to Eat to Lose #Weight
When You Eat Does Matter – So Eat While You’re #Active
The best time to consume those high-calorie foods is during periods of activity, not when you’re lounging around watching TV, according to researchers at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The researchers “gave rats either rodent chow or chow plus either saturated fat or a sugar solution. One group was allowed to consume the diets freely whereas the other groups were only allowed to eat either the fat or sugar during their inactive period. They found that rats consuming all of their sugar solution in the inactive period gained more weight than rats consuming all their sugar solution during the free period, even though their total caloric intake was the same. They also gained more weight than rats consuming the saturated fat solely during the inactive period. The greater body weight gain in rats consuming sugar in the inactive period was associated with less heat production.”