Nutrition Self-Assessment Checklist

by Charles Platkin, PhD
In order to lose weight and keep it off, healthy behaviors need to become part of your life. See which and behaviors you have incorporated into your life to help you reach your goals. Check those statements that you feel are true for you.
• I know how many calories I should be eating on a daily basis
• I set short-term goals for myself and review them on a weekly basis
• I plan my meals and snacks ahead of time
• I incorporate some kind of exercise/activity into my schedule each day
• I do strength training two or three times per week
• I drink eight glasses of water a day
• I eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day
• I eat at regular times each day
• I sit down to eat my meals (and not in front of the TV!)
• I chew slowly and completely
• I pause between bites by laying down my silverware
• I spend a minimum of twenty minutes at each meal
• I relax after meals or go for a brisk walk
• I keep low-fat, low-calorie snack foods on hand
• I do not nibble while cooking or cleaning up
• I minimize my intake of high-fat foods like rich desserts, sauces, and gravies
• I shop from a prepared list and buy only those items on the list
• I never shop when I’m hungry or overly stressed
• I read food labels carefully
• I am able to dine out while remaining on my meal plan
• I walk more often and for longer distances
• I take the stairs instead of the elevator
• I feel in control of my diet and my body
• I weigh myself no more than once a week
• I do de-stressing exercises to head off my urges to overeat
• I reward myself for meeting my short-term goals
• I use positive self-talk to keep myself motivated
• I stick to reasonable-size portions
• I find alternatives to outdoor exercising when the weather is bad
• I know why I want to lose weight
• I am confident in my abilities and am doing my best to realize my goals
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