Make Sure Your Child Does NOT Overeat During #Infancy
Don’t encourage your baby to drink up that last sip of milk in the bottle; it could create #overeating issues. After analyzing more than 8,000 families, researchers at Brigham Young University found that “babies predominantly fed formula were 2.5 times more likely to become obese toddlers than babies who were breastfed for the first six months.” Additionally, “Putting babies to bed with a bottle increased the risk of childhood obesity by 36 percent. And introducing solid foods too soon before 4 months of age increased a child’s risk of obesity by 40 percent. The researchers believe that breastfeeding helps infants to determine when they are full and should stop eating. But this doesn’t mean that breastfeeding is your only answer. If you are bottle feeding your child, try to not to overfeed check with your pediatrician.