Spirit Airlines, Allegiant Air offer the ‘worst’ airline food – Report

by Charles Platkin, PhD

Passengers planning to use these two airlines have every reason to be airsick.

Spirit Airlines and Allegiant Air fared worst in a survey that compares the chow served to economy-class passengers taking domestic flights.

“Not too much in terms of healthy options,” at Spirit Airlines, said Charles Platkin of, which asks major carriers to hand over nutritional data for their onboard fare, and then rates the airlines’ choices.

“Watch out for the Nuggets & Nuts at 600 calories, and all the muffins are at least 400 calories — not the best choice unless you split one,” he said. “Bringing your own food is the best option.”

Both Spirit and Allegiant scored measly grades of 1¹/₂ out of five stars, bringing up the rear among the dozen airlines surveyed.

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