Tracey Mallett has become a fitness icon to millions of moms and working women across the world. After her first pregnancy, a 55 pound weight gain she placed her career on hold with a complete lack of confidence. Tracey knows first hand that it’s easy to lose sight of one’s identity and self-confidence with life’s daily stresses, and what it takes to get back into shape. She has made it her mission to help and motivate women to find their path to weight loss success with quick, simple, practical healthy solutions and sound nutrition. The latest additions to Tracey’s many top rated fitness books, DVDs and workout solutions is Sexy in 6 and the 6 Minute QuickBlast Method, receiving rave reviews worldwide. The fast-paced and customizable book (offering workouts for pear-shaped and apple shaped women) two companion DVDs (6 Minute Quick Blast: Total Body Fat Burner and Total Body Calorie Blaster) and easy diet plan are designed to deliver results in just six weeks.
Originally from England, Tracey studied at London’s premier theatre school, Italia Conti (former alumni include Tracey Ulman and Naomi Campbell). She now lives in S. Pasadena, Los Angeles and owns ATP Specific Training and Physical Therapy. Tracey is a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor through the Aerobics and Fitness Association of American (AFAA). She is also a certified sports nutritionist with the National Academy of Sports Nutrition (NASN), Master Pilates Instructor for Rael Isacowitz (Body Arts and Science) and was certified through his program and the Pilates Physical Mind Institute in Santa Fe. She is a member of IDEA and the Pilates Method Alliance. In addition, Tracey is a certified Gyrotonic instructor. Name: Tracey Mallett
Birthday: 31st March 1972
Location: S. Pasadena, Los Angeles
Website: and
Diet Detective: Hey Tracey, so nice to meet you, we really appreciate you taking time from you busy days and nights (we know you have kids)! Tell us – how did you get started in the fitness biz?
Tracey: I’ve always been in to movement all my life I started dancing from the age of 4 and went on to perform professionally. While I was at college in London I was introduced to dance conditioning which was basically Pilates. I was hooked from that day onwards, so off I went to take my Exercise to Music certification in England to teach aerobics this was way back in the leotard and leg warmer era. Yes, a long time ago!
I found teaching exercise so empowering to help people feel good about themselves. It was also like being on the stage; I was there to entertain and motivate to keep them coming back for more. This is exactly what happened and I knew then that I’d found my true calling in life. I moved to the US in 1996 after meeting my husband onboard a cruise ship whilst performing the musical Grease and started our business ATP Specific Training. It was then that I auditioned for The Method Show and met my dear friend director Cal Pozo who put me in front of a camera to do my first exercise video tapes 10 years ago. Wow, where has the time gone?
Diet Detective: What makes what you different from other fitness experts and trainers?
Tracey: I think what stands me apart from many other fitness trainers is that I talk to them on their level and really listen to what they need to make exercise work and fit in to their schedule. I’m a Mom and business owner that can relate to their needs as I live their life everyday. I’m also very versatile due to my huge dance and fitness background which enables me to bring fun, innovative moves to keep the workouts fresh. I’m also blessed with incredible energy, in order to receive you have to give out and I know my clients and women who exercise with me daily will definitely agree I give plenty of energy!
Diet Detective: What in the world is the “Hot Mom’s Club?”
Tracey: The Hot Moms Club is a social networking site that gives support to women of all walks of life. Their mission statement is as follows: A Hot Mom is a woman who is confident and empowered. Being a Hot Mom is an attitude and a lifestyle, it doesn’t matter what age you are, what race, shape or size, EVERY mom can be a Hot Mom! I think it so important for Moms not to lose their sense of who they were before they became a Mom. Exercise can have a crucial effect on how they feel about themselves, just because you’re Mom doesn’t mean that you’re can’t be sexy. There’s never been a better time than now to be the healthiest, sexiest YOU. After the birth of my first child I did lose myself for a period of time in the crazy tunnel of motherhood, this became my inspiration for my new book “Sexy in 6”.
Diet Detective: Tell us about your typically day? Do you workout everyday?
Tracey: I get up about 7am and get the kids ready for school, I typically work with clients Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. I’m lucky as my studio is only a mile away from my home so I can work my schedule around my kids school and activities so I don’t miss out on all the fun stuff. Tuesday and Thursday I typically do my Tracey Mallett work, writing books (the next one is called Sexy Fit Momma which will be released spring 2009), creating workout videos and consulting for various organizations. I typically workout in the mornings, If I go past 1:00 pm and I haven’t worked out it never rarely happens because of work and kids! I always try and grab a few minutes here and there in between clients. I make the most of my precious time.
Diet Detective: Tell us the biggest secret that trainers and fitness experts typically don’t tell us about fitness and working out, but should?
Tracey: You don’t need any fancy equipment to get a fabulous body. All you need is your own body weight for resistance, some dumbbells and good workout tunes for motivation or a stellar exercise DVD. Oh, and not mention SPOT REDUCTION, you can’t spot reduce so don’t believe all that you read in advertisements!
Diet Detective: How do you get a body by Tracey Mallett? What do you need to do each day?
Tracey: Interval training, basic calisthenics, Pilates and Yoga. For cardio I run 4 days a week for about 25 minutes which consists of intervals to get maximum calorie burn in a small amount of time and I teach Spinning once a week which I absolutely love. For conditioning I mostly do a mixture of small circuits and alternate the days with Pilates or Yoga.
Diet Detective: Do you think that women need to exercise and train differently then men? If so, how?
Tracey: No not really, I train people to their specific goals not to their gender.
Diet Detective: In all your years of training what do you consider the three (3) best non-weight related exercise (e.g. lunge). Can you also explain how to do the exercise?
Tracey: The Plies (feet shoulder width apart): Obviously with my dance background I’m very partial to dance moves. You only have to look at dancers beautiful legs to know why you should include plies in to your workouts. Start with your legs shoulder width apart legs are turned out from the hip and toes pointing out to the corner of the room. Bend knees keeping the knees over the toes, then extend knees back to start position. I like to vary it with pulses and lifting the heels off the floor.
The Classic Push-up: This is the perfect upper body exercise as it works your biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders then to top it all it works the core at the same time. Start with your hands shoulder width apart and your legs extended behind you in a plank position. Be careful that you’re not sinking in between the shoulder blades, imagine you’re pushing away from the floor and focus on drawing the shoulder blades down away from your ears to work the lat muscles. Inhale and bend the elbows whilst keeping the shoulder blades completely still, only go as far as you can go without moving them. Exhale and extend the elbows as you draw your abs towards the spine.
Forearm plank: The perfect abdominal exercise for almost every population even including pregnancy. It teaches you to draw in your transverse abdominus (deepest abdominal muscle) against gravity and stabilize the pelvis in a functional manner.
Start with your elbows bent balancing on your forearm with the legs extended behind you, toes turned under. Make sure that you’re in a straight line from the crown of the head to your heels of your feet. Pull the abdominals against the spine and try to slightly tilt the pelvis to work the lower abs.
Diet Detective: If you could only do only one strength training exercise (using weights) what would it be?
Tracey: Seated Row on a machine or Bent over Row with free weights:
I would say that the back muscles are the most neglected. We tend to work the front of our body more which can be detrimental to our posture especially living in the computer age!
Diet Detective: What is the exercise most frequently done incorrectly?
Tracey: Okay, I have to say the basic abdominal crunch. I rarely ever see anyone doing this correct unless they have had a good instructor teach them the correct technique
I see many people giving themselves a good neck and butt workout but not a great abdominal workout
Diet Detective: What’s your favorite “junk food?”
Tracey: Cadbury’s Chocolate but only from England as it definitely tastes different!
Diet Detective: What’s your favorite healthy breakfast?
Tracey: Egg white omelet with chopped veggies and salsa to taste but if I’m running out the door (which is most of the time with the kids and work) I drink a whey protein smoothes with flax seeds and blueberries.
Diet Detective: What’s in your refrigerator right now?
Tracey: Home made turkey burgers, low fat cottage cheese, organic milk, flax seed, whole wheat bread, orange juice, veggies, fruit, home made chicken soup (the kids love it), flax seeds, eggs, carton of egg whites, yogurts, Cadburys chocolate (my grandmother just visited from England and, of course, filled my refrigerator), wild salmon and black beans. I think that’s it, I’m a food hoarder. I like to have a variety of food to choose from, my freezer is totally full. Diet Detective: Who’s your hero?
Tracey: My mother, she has battled breast cancer and been cancer free for over 15 years. She is truly one of the bravest women I know. I’m so proud that she’s my mom.
Diet Detective: If you had to choose a specific song or band to get you excited for your workout, what would it be? What other songs are on your iPod?
Tracey: I absolutely love Def Leppard great beat to get moving to. I’m also a big retro disco fan. I get excited listening to all the oldies from the 70’s and classic rock from the 80’s. Madonna, Seal, Justin Timberlake and many more are currently on my iPod.
Diet Detective: What do you do to reduce stress/relax/center your mind? Do you participate in an organized relaxation activity such as yoga, meditation or tai chi?
Tracey: Running really help my stress level, I get in to a zone which I find very relaxing. I also love Yoga this definitely calms me and brings me back to good place.
Diet Detective: Which historical figure can you relate to most?
Tracey: Margaret Thatcher, she was persistent and never gave up.
Diet Detective: What was your worst summer job?
Tracey: I’m just laughing thinking about this and please forgive me I was only 15 at the time! In England we had fast food places called The Wimpy, basically they were like McDonalds. On the first day they dressed me up as Mr Wimpy, a huge walking hamburger. So there I was walking up and down the local town giving out coupons in a beautiful hamburger costume. The funniest thing about all this is that I don’t eat red meat! Oh well, the things you had to do when you were young to make a bit of cash.
Diet Detective: What’s your motto?
Tracey: Live life as if there is no tomorrow, time is very precious and should not be wasted with procrastination.
In the fight against flab every little bit counts even if it’s only 10 minutes, you’re one step further to your goal!
Diet Detective: The best gift you’ve received?
Tracey: I am a mother so I have to say my beautiful kids, the best gift any women could wish for!
Diet Detective: Your hobby?
Tracey: Are you kidding, I have NO time for a hobby. Ask me again in about 15 years when my kids are at college and maybe finally by then I will have one.
Diet Detective: Your Passion?
Tracey: My passion is exactly what I’m doing right now helping women and their children be the healthiest that they can be through online education, books, videos and products. Child hood obesity is a big epidemic right now and more education and outreach is badly needed. I work with Heath-E-Tips promoting the JAM (just a minute) school program in to schools across America.