- Brown Baggin’ It
- Can I Eat That?
- Cooking Makeovers
- Dashboard Dining
- Eat Healthy Alfresco
- Eating a Healthy Fast-Food Breakfast
- Fad Food Scares: Myth or Reality?
- Family Dining
- Food Concerns That Matter
- The Ultimate Food Dictionary Game
- Halloween Choices
- Healthy Recipes for Spring and Summer
- Healthy, Wealthy, and Slim
- Holiday Eating Advisory
- Just Desserts
- Last-Minute Vacation Diet Cheat Sheet
- Let Them Eat Steak
- Mall Eating Madness
- Mexican Fiesta
- Mocha Madness
- Part 1: Organic Fruits and Veggies
- Part 2: Are Organic Foods Safer?
- Picky Eating Syndrome
- Picky Holiday Eating
- Pigging Out with the Pigskin
- Recipe Light
- Refrigerator Quiz: Do You Need the Diet Detective To Come To Your Home?
- Salad Sabotage
- Screaming for Ice Cream
- “Sea Food” and Eat Up
- Small Things Make a Big Difference
- Soup Smart
- Start Me Up
- Summer Eating Makeover
- Super Spices
- 10 Swaps to Make Your Heart Healthy
- Thanksgiving Choices
- Unhealthy Healthy Foods
- Wonder Foods: Fruit
- Wonder Foods: Vegetables
- Airline Snacking Survey with Health Ratings
- At the Deli
- Sins of the Barbecue Pit
- Bar Food
- Fast-Food Breakfast Choices
- I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing!
- Can “Coffee and a Donut” Do the Trick?
- Commendable and Condemnable Condiments
- Cookies, Crackers, and Chips
- Cooking Without Fire!
- Dogs of Summer
- Don’t Be Duped by Your Soup
- The Buffet Huddle: The Annual dietdetective.com “Big Game” Eating Extravaganza
- Food Allergies
- Food and Gas
- Food Court Feeding Frenzy
- Everything Guide to Burgers
- Everything Guide to Eggs
- The Everything Guide to Heartburn
- A Healthy Fast Food Meal
- Fast and Healthy Home Cooking
- Preparation and Stocked Kitchens Ease Healthy Home Cooking
- Healthy Makeovers for Traditional Thanksgiving Recipes
- Keeping Cool and Fit by Making Healthier Ice Cream and Frozen Treat Choices
- Kitchen Fitness
- Liquid Donuts
- Mangia! It’s Italiano!
- Meat and Poultry Labels and Claims: Part 2
- An Insider’s Guide to the New, “Healthy” Fast Food
- The New Old Breakfast
- Eating at the Stadium
- Starting Right with Breakfast Choices
- Keeping Cool and Refreshed with Healthier Summer Drink Choices
- Summer Food Mysteries Solved
- Summer Fruits
- The Snack Attack
- Turning Pizza Into a Health Food
- TV Dinners: Watch What You Eat
- Feeling Lousy? Here’s What You Should (and shouldn’t) Eat
- Avoiding the Shanghai Surprise
- Keep It Casual and Healthy
- Kitchen Archaeology
- Healthful Comfort Food Recipes for Rough Times
- The Fall Harvest – Cranberries, Chestnuts and Brussels Sprouts
- Diet Detective’s Powerhouse, Disease-Fighting Chicken Vegetable Soup
- Diet Detective Investigation: Are the Marketing Claims True? Are These Food Products Worth It?
- Healthful Thanksgiving Recipes: Soups, Sides and Desserts 2007
- Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes 2009
- Diet Detective’s 2010 Diet, Fitness, and Healthy Cookbooks
- Diet Detective’s Hearty and Healthy Calorie Bargain Recipes
- Diet Detective’s Investigation of Black Beans
- Diet Detective’s Summer Fruit and Vegetable Picks: Sweet Bell Peppers, Red Raspberries, and Apricots
- Diet Detective’s Healthy Food Pick: Lentils
- Diet Detective’s Healthy Food Pick: Salmon
- Diet Detective Investigates Two Red Fruits: Tomatoes and Strawberries
- Diet Detective: Interview with Quintessential Foodie Mark Bittman
- Diet Detective: Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes 2010
- Diet Detective’s Healthy Valentine’s Day Recipes 2011
- Diet Detective’s Food-Styling Healthier Food to Taste Better
- Diet Detective Interview with Slow Foods founder Carlo Petrini
- Diet Detective: How to Shop Better at Your Local Farmers Market
- Food Folklore: Salt Over Your Shoulder; Chew the Fat; and More
- Healthy Fall Soups 2011
- Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes 2011
- “Big Game” Eating Extravaganza with Exercise Equivalents 2012
- Diet Detective’s Spring Fruit and Vegetable: Pineapple and Artichoke
- Diet Detective’s Guide to “Growing” it Anywhere